Be a VOICE and not an ECHO to YOUR Generation!
What should I Expect?
Voice Ministry combines biblical training, personal discipleship and practical ministry experience. Come encounter God and learn your identity in the context of day and night prayer!

What Will I Learn?
At VMS, we focus on 4 foundational areas that will root and ground you, and cause you to grow in ways you could never imagine.
1. Theology and Prophetic Understanding
2. Identity in Christ and Inner Healing
3. Leadership Development and Mentoring
4. Prayer and Spiritual Life

What are the Dates?
School begins August 19th and Classes run Monday-Friday 8am-2pm
Who Can Join?
VMS is designed for ages 18+ and also offers a separate young adult discipleship track.

What Other Opportunities Are Available?
If you are interested in overseas missions, there is an optional trip to the Middle East to serve and help strengthen ministries in that region.

What is the Cost?
VMS is tuition free! There is only a $500 one-time fee that covers all printed materials and other resources needed throughout the entirety of the school year.