Why We Exist As A Ministry

The Lamb who was slain is beautiful and worthy
to receive the rewards of His sufferings.
The Sarasota House of Prayer Missions Base exists as
a forerunner ministry to prepare the Way of the Lord
through day and night prayer, equipping, outreach, and
serving the nations.
Proclaim. Pray. Equip. Serve.
Core Values
What Identifies Us As A Community
Pursuing Jesus with all our heart and receiving the love of God
in our lives, which is foundational to enjoying intimacy with God.
Embracing the values of the sermon on the mount to build character
that honors Jesus as a lifestyle. (Matthew 5-7)
The Word of God is living and active and defines all truth.
The Bible is authoritative for doctrine and practice.
Maintaining an atmosphere of night and day worship and prayer
that reflects the throne room of heaven as our primary assignment.
(Revelation 4)
Loving and honoring one another as a spiritual family,
championing personal identity in Christ and finding
our place in the family of God.
Making disciples in all the nations through the gospel.
Training and releasing the body of Christ as leaders who will
proclaim Jesus as Lord in every sphere of the culture.
Living with an eternal perspective and preparing the people of
God for the unique dynamics that will precede the Return of Christ.